Start Center - Strategic Analysis, Research & Training Center

Carol Levin

PhD, MSc
Former Faculty Lead

Dr. Carol Levin is a health economist and clinical associate professor in the Department of Global Health at the University of Washington. Her research focuses on the costs and cost-effectiveness of introducing and scaling up public health interventions and new technologies, including mHealth technologies to strengthen the delivery of mental health and reproductive, maternal and child prevention and treatment services. Previously, she provided technical guidance and coordinated the economic analysis for the Disease Control Priorities Third Edition—a nine-volume series aimed at strengthening evidence based priority setting in health and nutrition. She was the director of the Global Health Cost Consortium from 2012 to 2016—a project that generated improved estimates of costs for HIV and TB for use in planning, budgeting and economic evaluation. She is currently the director of the project ‘Strengthening the Economic Evaluation of Multisectoral Strategies for Nutrition (SEEMS-Nutrition)’. She teaches and mentors students on global health economics and cost methods in global health.