Start Center - Strategic Analysis, Research & Training Center

Sarah Shaw

PhD Student in Implementation Science
Special project consultant, Business Talent Group

Sarah is a Predoctoral Fellow for the  doctoral student in Global Health Implementation Science at UW. She received her MPH in Health Behavior and Health Education from the University of Michigan and has an undergraduate background in medical anthropology from UCLA. Her research interests include demonstrating how community-based participatory approaches can be combined with implementation science to conduct pragmatic research activities to address health inequities and identifying drivers of the scale-up and sustainability of evidence-based interventions. Prior to joining the PhD program, Sarah worked at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta and Malawi, supporting program implementation and research activities related to HIV prevention, gender-based violence prevention and response, and sexual and reproductive health, particularly among youth populations in southern Africa.

Sarah was engaged in a unique appointment with the START Center, read below about her project that she was the Project Manager for:

  • Gender Equality Data Analytics and Modeling: The team supported the Gender Equality Data Analytics & Modeling team w/their work on the Pathways project which aims to understand which women are most vulnerable within certain settings & what factors contribute to this vulnerability. The START team will focus on preparing quantitative data & supporting the analysis for the updated Kenya segmentation using DHS data w/a wider sample.

Sarah is currently apecial project consultant at the