Start Center - Strategic Analysis, Research & Training Center

The START Center Domestic Program is a multidisciplinary team which conducts research and provides analytic support in response to specific, immediate, and longer-term requests from public health clients.

Research and analysis is conducted by graduate research assistants, under guidance and mentorship provided by UW faculty who provide expertise in a variety of disciplines and subject matter areas. Teams of graduate research assistants and faculty work collaboratively to develop creative and rigorous approaches to inform projects with domestic public health significance.


The START Center team

Domestic Program Featured Projects


Business Exemplars of Good Jobs

The Economic Mobility and Opportunity Division at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation engaged the START Center to develop four case studies that demonstrate how businesses implemented Good Job Principles, what incentivized them to do so, the impact on the businesses’ bottom line, and the economic mobility of their low-income workers.

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Lessons Learned from Covid-19 Modeling to Policy in Washington State

The START team documented how evidence from modeling and analytics was used to inform policy in Washington State’s COVID-19 response and identified lessons learned from this experience—which can inform research-policy partnerships, policy decisions, and formation of responsive systems to address public health emergencies in the future.

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