The Foundation believes better performance management in primary health care systems can improve health outputs and outcomes. However, there is limited literature and knowledge around the effect of management on integrated health service delivery, particularly within developing country settings. In partnership with the Global Innovation Fellows Program, START was engaged to conduct a literature review, build a framework to deepen understanding of performance management relative to delivery of healthcare, and identify the gaps in evidence related to these topics. The project was divided into five phases:
- Review existing BMGF article warehouse for baseline understanding of topic
- Conduct “comprehensive” rather than “systematic” literature review by iterating on searches and focusing on convergence of concepts (databases used: PubMed, Business Source Complete, CINAHL)
- Build framework to articulate findings from evidence
- Map evidence to validate Working Group’s hypotheses on performance management
- Identify preliminary set of partners working on performance management in a healthcare setting
Final deliverables included:
- PowerPoint presentation covering literature review findings and the framework
- “Partner landscape” of organizations focusing on performance management in healthcare
- Reading guide summarizing the top articles related to performance management
- Full article library listing all literature that informed the presentation and framework