The Strategic Analysis, Research & Training (START) Center was engaged by the Philanthropic Partnerships Team (PPT) at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). As part of their revised strategy, the PPT is taking a more explicit focus to increase the quantity of charitable giving toward advancing equity, namely gender equality globally and racial equity (G/RE) in the US. To achieve this goal, the team is seeking to better understand any existing approaches that have been successful in encouraging people to give to these specific cause areas. The START team was engaged to explore the body of existing research and literature that exists on giving to racial equity and gender equality, in addition to current approaches by existing players in this space, in order to help PPT make decisions on future programming and investments related to G/RE. The START team successfully delivered a presentation and corresponding excel file with a list of resources that can guide the BMGF PPT team as they begin implementing their new strategy. The presentation included a number of well-researched strategies of individual and organizations, and how their approaches have facilitated giving by individual donors.