START previously collaborated with the Family Planning group at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to review costs of a number of different data-collection efforts in Low and Middle Income Countries. This project, however, did not assess the total number of surveys per country in DREAMS countries or the possibility that multiple different surveys could be combined to create more closely spaced longitudinal data. Our aim was to explore the possibility of using surveys that collect data on contraceptive use, including DHS and PMA 2020, to monitor changes in availability and use of contraceptives and condoms by adolescent girls and young women aged 15-24 years in DREAMS districts. The START team developed a framework to identify surveys with potential data points. The framework highlighted geospatial relevance, key indicators, and appropriate periodicity (GRIP) as criteria for inclusion.
Geospatial Data
- Data reported at the Sub-National unit level
- Data can either be extracted or approximated from national or regional averages
- Contraceptive Prevalence
- Method Mix
- Unintended Pregnancy
- Condom Availability
- Condom Sales and Distribution
- Recurring surveys collecting data within the previous and following 5 years
The Start team cataloged 130 family planning surveys, of which 42 met all GRIP criteria. Next steps identified by the START team include verifying geospatial overlap between survey sampling clusters and DREAMS districts and searching beyond family planning data sources to glean additional data on condom availability and use. For example, future work may explore condom utilization-- and to a lesser extent condom availability, from social marketing and sales data. The final deliverables included a PowerPoint presentation and a database of family planning surveys included in our review. START was invited to present findings from this project at a FP/HIV Task Force meeting held by OGAC on July 7th 2017.