In June of 2021, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) engaged the Strategic Analysis, Research, and Training Center (START) to aid future funding decisions on alternatives to the human landing catch (HLC). The START team was asked to provide the following: (1) build a framework for change for introducing alternatives to the HLC; (2) conduct a synthesis of two recent literature reviews about alternatives to the HLC; and (3) conduct key informant interviews (KII) on their perspectives on whether there is a need for alternatives to the HLC.
The START team interviewed experts identified by BMGF, to understand their perspectives on the need for alternatives to HLC, their perceived desirable qualities in a replacement method, current advances in alternatives to the HLC, and any barriers to implementing these alternatives. START summarized themes from the interviews and literature reviews in a Summary Report. The team applied a Framework for Change model to highlight themes brought out by the interviews and key literature related to root causes, needs, strategies, expected outcomes, and impacts of implementing an alternative method to the HLC. Deliverables include a Summary Report with the Framework for Change model, and a slide deck along with a recorded presentation.